SGHS Photo Competition 2022 (OHA D2 rules apply)
Class 1: Spring Bulbs Blooming – a photo of a mass of spring bulbs flowering. Can be in your own garden or public garden.
Note: not just one flower, but a bed of spring bloomers.
Class 2: Aquatic plant – a photo of an aquatic plant (shoreland, emergent, submerged, or free floating) in a pond or lake. Can be in a private or public garden or in a natural pond or lake along the roadside or hiking trail. Examples: water lily, pickerel weed, arrowhead, bullrush. Please see note on Page 2.
Class 3: Close-up – a photo of your favourite flower in your garden. Must be an outside plant, not an indoor plant.
Note: must show the whole bloom, not a portion of it.
Class 4: Flowering Shrubs – a photo of a shrub in full bloom. Must show the whole shrub, not just a closeup of a flower.
Examples: hydrangea, azalea, rhododendron, or a native shrub, etc. A shrub is a woody plant that is smaller than a tree and has several main stems arising at or near the ground.
Class 5: Humor in the Garden – a photo depicting humour using garden ornaments. Don’t forget the 40% horticultural value.
Class 6: The Majestic Maple – a photo of a Maple tree in full fall colour. Note: Must be the whole tree.
Class 7: For the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society only. Wildlife in the Garden. A photo of an animal or bug in the garden
All photos must contain:
40% Horticultural Value – each photo should contain at least 40% plants, fruits or vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants or trees.
40% Photographic Value – exposure, clarity, focus, lighting, resolution (2MB or more) and background. Not all phone cameras take high resolution photos. Check your settings.
20% Appearance & Impact – produces a memorable experience to the viewer, transmitting a strong message and leaving traces on their mind and soul.
SGHS Rules:
1. Exhibitors must be a member of the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society.
2. All photos must have been taken within 2018 - 2022.
3. Entries will be accepted in digital format only.
4. Please entries in .jpg format with a high resolution. (2MB)
5. Photos may be adjusted for lighting or colour balance and should not be enhanced by adding photo elements.
6. Two entries per class.
7. Take care to ensure photos are entered in the correct class. Identification of entries are as follows:
Rename your photos using the following format. YOUR NAME_SOCIETY NAME_CLASS 1 Society name is optional. Please use your full name, not initials.
Examples: JohnDoe_SGHS_Class3.jpg or JohnDoe_Class3.jpg
8. Please attach your file to your email. One photo per email. Subject line: SG Photo Competition 2020. Send emails to
9. Photos will be submitted to an external judge. The judge’s decision is final.
10. Photos will be projected in a slideshow at the February 15, 2022 meeting. Best in Show winner will be presented with a $50 prize. First in each class will receive a $5 prize.
With the exception of Class 7 these classes are also for the OHA D2 photo competition and the Rules are as follows:
1. Exhibitors must be a member in good standing of a Horticultural Society within district 2
2. All photos submitted to be taken within 2018 - 2022. (if unsure, right click on photo, go to properties, click on Details. Look for the date the photo was taken.)
3. Entries will be accepted in digital format only.
4. Please provide entries in .jpg format with a High Resolution (Photos should be at least 2 mb or larger in size, otherwise they will not show well in the PowerPoint presentation) Photos less than 1 mb may be disqualified. Not all camera phones take high-resolution photos.
5. Photos may be adjusted for lighting and colour balance or cropped but should not be enhanced by adding photo elements.
6. Two entries per exhibitor per class.
7. Take care to ensure photos are entered into the correct class. Identification of entries as follows:
RENAME your photos using the following format: Your Name_Society Name_Class Number eg: karenhaddon_KanataMarch_Class1_1. For Society name, please use the full name, not just initials. See example shown.
8. 8. Please ATTACH your file to your email. Do not INSERT into the email message. Submit your entries to Karen Haddon by March 31, 2021. Photos can be sent by email as an attachment (one photo per email) to Subject line: D2 Photo Competition. Or they can be placed on a memory stick, CD or SD Card and mailed to Karen Haddon, 9 Dorey Court, Kanata, ON K2L 2V5. For return of your media (CD/DVD, memory stick or SD Card), please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
9. NEW - Photos entered in a previous photo competition will not be accepted.
10. NEW - Please do not enter photos with name or date printed on them. They will be disqualified.
11. Photos will be submitted to an external judge. The judge’s decision is final.
12. Photos will be presented in a slideshow format presentation at the D2 2022 AGM.
13. The Best of Show winner of the D2 Photo Competition will be presented with a framed print of his/her photo.
Think triangles and odd numbers
If unsure about types of plants, use the internet or books from the library to clarify or contact me at
Note: The four categories of aquatic plants are:
Submerged: Plants that thrive underwater that have roots in the soil at the bottom (pond weed and bladderwort)
Floating: Plants that float at or near the water surface and have either floating roots or roots in the soil at the bottom (duckweed and lily pads)
Emergent: Plants that are rooted in the soil underwater, but the larger part of the plant is above water (arrowhead, rushes and cattails)
Shoreline: plants that prefer the shore, but can take being moist and flooded seasonally. (blue flag iris, some shrubs
Ontario Horticultural Association
District 2
2020 Photo Competition
Class 1: Ornamental grasses – single plant or grouping.
Class 2: Extreme Closeup – a photo of a single yellow bloom, whole or part. Try to fill the frame.
Class 3: Garden critters of the good kind – bees, butterflies, birds, etc. Don’t forget the 40% horticultural content.
Class 4: Water droplets – a photo of water droplets on a flower, leaf or plant.
Class 5: Roses are white – a close-up photo of a white rose bloom or cluster.
Class 6: Fall colours – a fall landscape. Show the big picture.
Class 7: Traveler’s paradise – a photo showing a public or private garden display during your travels. Please identify location.
All photos must contain:
40% Horticultural Value – each photo should contain at least 40% plants, fruits or vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants or trees.
40% Photographic Value – exposure, clarity, focus, lighting, resolution (2MB or more) and background. Not all phone cameras take high-resolution photos. Check your settings.
20% Appearance & Impact – produces a memorable experience to the viewer, transmitting a strong message and leaving traces on their mind and soul.
1. Exhibitors must be a member in good standing of a Horticultural Society within District2.
2. All photos submitted to be taken within 2017-2020. (if unsure, right-click on photo, go to properties, click on Details. Look for the date the photo was taken.)
3. Entries will be accepted in digital format only.
4. Please provide entries in .jpg format with a High Resolution (Photos should be at least 2 mb or larger in size, otherwise they will not show well in the PowerPoint presentation) Photos less than 1 mb may be disqualified. Not all camera phones take high-resolution photos.
5. Photos may be adjusted for lighting and colour balance or cropped but should not be enhanced by adding photo elements.
6. Two entries per exhibitor per class.
7. Take care to ensure photos are entered into the correct class. Identification of entries as follows: RENAME your photos using the following format: Your Name_Society Name_Class Number eg: karenhaddon_KanataMarch_Class1_1. For Society name, please use the full name, not just initials. See example shown.
8. Please ATTACH your file to your email. Do not INSERT into the email message. Submit your entries to Karen Haddon by March 31, 2020. Photos can be sent by email as an attachment (one photo per email) to Subject line: D2 Photo Competition. Or they can be placed on a memory stick, CD or SD Card and mailed to Karen Haddon, 9 Dorey Court, Kanata, ON K2L 2V5. For return of your media (CD/DVD, memory stick or SD Card), please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
9. Photos will be submitted to an external judge. The judge’s decision is final.
10. Photos will be projected in a slideshow format presentation at the D2 2020 AGM.
11. The Best of Show winner of the D2 Photo Competition will be presented with a framed print of his/her photo.
- Think triangles and odd numbers