The History of Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society
On January 18, 1962 the inaugural meeting of the Stittsville Horticultural Society was held at Stittsville Public School on Main Street. Emerson and Grace Thompson were joined by a total of 15 other gardening enthusiasts that included Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Archer, Thor & Pam Thorgrimsson, Archie & Doreen Bell, Dr. Nils Olson & Roberta Boucher.
That same year, Stittsville Horticultural Society took 1st prize for a floral display at the Richmond Fair. So began a long-standing relationship that continues today whereby the Society makes an annual contribution towards prizes in the floral, fruit and vegetable categories of the Richmond Fair.
In 1977 the name was changed to Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society to reflect a larger Goulbourn township due to amalgamation, whereby residents of Richmond, Munster Hamlet and Ashton also became potential members.
The first Photographic Competition was held in 1983 with over 100 entries including both colour slides and prints in eight classes. Today all entries are judged on an equal basis.
The first Lifetime Memberships were awarded in 1992 to the four remaining charter members: Pam Thorgrimsson, Nils Olson, Doreen Bell and Grace Thompson. Lifetime members today include Doreen Bell, Lee Boltwood, Edna Emmott, Sandy Mutch, Peter Jago and John and Ann Soar. Lifetime memberships may be awarded by a Society to long time members for continuous contributions to their Society of 15 years or more. Membership fees are no longer required, however the Society still pays their dues to the OHA.
In 2002 Janet Stavinga, Goulbourn Ward Councillor with the City of Ottawa, presented the Society with a plaque in celebration of the Society’s 40th anniversary. In celebration of our 50th Anniversary in 2012, our Society planted a Red Oak with a plaque to honour our founding members at the Granite Ridge Long Term Care Facility on Abbott St. in Stittsville.